
Invoice and payments

Simple invoice and payment system for small business

Manage your income and payment. Exception reporting allows you to follow-up late payments.

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Easily Add Purchased Items

Buttons allows purchased items to be easily added. Prices automatically added to the invoice via pre-defined pricing tables.

Full Invoice Details

Easily view invoice history, and easily view, & edit invoice details.

Key Features of our Invoice and Payments System

General Features

Included as standard:

- Save Invoice draft to edit later;

- Email pdf direct to customer;

- Add multiple payments & exchange rates;

- Setup recurring invoices;

- Export csv file of all income & payment items by date.

Global Invoice Settings

Global settings allow companies to add/edit:

- Due date

- Invoice & Payment Prefix and numbering

- General Tax rate

- Decimal places

- Currency Symbol

Payment Integration

Payment integration with Xendit allows customers to pay directly via bank transfer - virtual accounts simplifies this. Customers can also pay with credit cards. Other integrations such as Stripe to follow.

Item Categories

Items can be assigned to customised categories to allow for summary reporting.

Limit Users Access

By assigning users to modules and locations, you can allow only certain users to have access to Invoicing & Payment system.

Location Features

Location Price Table

The Price Table provides and easy way to edit prices for your same product/service.

Location Payment Method Table

The Payment Method Table allows you to add

- payment types that you accept (eg bank transfer, cash, etc)

- any charge that you make which is automatically added to an invoice.

Location Invoice Settings

The Invoice Settings allows you to add basic invoice details such as:

- Bank details & NPWP

- Terms & Conditions

These location tables allow the system to be used by businesses with one location, as well as by businesses with more than one location.

Only 1 Main Location?

Most users of our CRM will be small businesses with only 1 location. They will only need to setup these location features in the Invoice and Payments system for their one main location.

Multi-Locations with Different Invoice settings?

For larger businesses with multi-locations/outlets, these Location Features can be set for each location. This allows each location to have  their own invoice settings and let them to operate with the right level of autonomy.

Multi-Locations but want to use the same settings?

You just need to replicate the same settings for each location.