
How to Add a Form for Other Information

How to Add a Form for Other Information

The system holds the following core data for all customers, and it is automatically setup when a new  company is created – you do not need to add these fields in a form:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Phone number 
  • Nationality
  • Country of Residence
  • Gender
  • Marital Status
  • Email address

This core data is easily accessed for each customer below their profile  picture on the main Customer Management page.

If you want to add Other Information for your Customers then you can do this by following the steps below.

When setup, the Other Information for Customers can be easily accessed on the main Customer Management in the tab on the right-hand side.

1) Welcome to the Form Sections page

Select Customer Form from the left-column menu.

This will take you to the Form Sections page to setup/edit your form for both Other Information for customers and the data you want to hold for Family Members.

You have 3 options:

  1. Form Settings – selecting this button  will allow you to change the name of the Core Customer Details and Family Details when the form is printed.

2. Form Preview – selecting this button will let you to view your form, letting you view all your edits.

3. Add Form Section – selecting this button will allow you to add a new Form Section.

2) Add Form Sections to your Form

What are Form Sections? These are groups of information, eg address section, school qualifications, etc. It is best to design your form in sections as it will make it easier  for you or your customers to fill in. Each section can also have its own name, making it easier to navigate and understand.

Selecting the button will take you to the Create Form Section screen.

Here you have a few options that give you full control about how your data & form looks:

  • Name – give it a unique name so that you can easily edit it later if you want.
  • Show name as title? – if you don’t want to show the title on the form than choose No.
  • Usage – choose Customer Form to make the section display in the Other Information for Customers.
  •  Is using page break before section on print? – choose Yes or No to make a page break before the section when you print the form.
  • Description – you can add some help text to make it easy for your staff or customers to complete the section.
  • Description Position – choose Top (top of section) or Bottom (bottom of section) to determine where to show the description.

When you Save Changes your new section will be added to the Form Sections page as Non Active, and now you have additional options.

Here you have some options to help edit sections:

1. Re-arrange the order of the Sections – drag the row up or down by select+hold this button . This allows you to rearrange the sections as they appear on the main Customer Management Page and the printed form.

2. Clone the Section – select this button to create a duplicate of the section.

3. Add Fields to the Section – select this button to add fields to the section.

4. Edit the Section – select this button to edit the section, eg correct a spelling mistake in the description or add page break before the section.

5. Delete the Section – select this button  to delete the section permanently.

What is an Active/Non-Active Section?

An active section is "live", ie it will show on the form when printed, and on the main Customer management page. Only make a section active when you want it to be "live".

3) Add Form Fields to your Form Section

Preview Your Form!

Use the Form Preview button to preview your form after every section edit.

Form Sections that are Not Active WILL SHOW on the preview.

Form Sections that have no fields WILL NOT SHOW on the preview. When you create a new section you therefore need to add fields before you preview.

Select this button on the Form Sections page to add fields to the section.

This will take you to a new page where you can add the fields. If its a new section then there will not be any fields.

You have 2 options:

  1. Form Preview – selecting this button will let you to view your form, letting you view all your edits.
  2. Add Form Field – selecting this button will allow you to add a new Form Field.

Selecting the button will take you to the Create Form Field screen.

Here you have a few options that give you full control about how your field looks:

  • Name – give the field a unique name so that you can easily edit it later if you want.
  • Type – this is the field type, choose one of the following from the dropdown – Text, Number, Email, Select, Date, Multiple, Longtext, Title, File. Please see below for a detailed explanation if each Field Type.
  • Description – you can add some help text to make it easy for your staff or customers to complete the field.
  • Description Position – choose Top (above field name) or Bottom (bottom of field name) to determine where to show the description.
  • Is Required? – decide whether you want this field to be mandatory. All mandatory fields will be marked with a red-asterix (*).
  •  Width – This field allows you to add columns by defining the field width on the page. Values are 1=full width, 2=half, 3=third. Max number of columns allowed is 3.

What Field Types are there? The following field types are available:

Field Type Description
Allows entry of any text (max 191 characters).
Allows entry of numbers, both whole and decimal. Text cannot be entered.
Allows entry of email address.  It will be validated to make sure that there is a @ in the address.
This provides the ability to add a drop-down with options in your form.   When you choose Select you will be prompted to add the options.
Allows you to add a date field, and the user adds the date via a date-picker.
This provides the ability to add multiple-choice in your form. When you choose Multiple you will be prompted to add the options.
Allows entry of a paragraph of any text (max 2,000 characters).
Allows you to add a title to the form so you can sub-group fields if you wish. When you choose Title you will be prompted to add the alignment of the title, options are Left, Center & Right.
Allows you the ability to upload documents via the form. File types accepted are jpg, pdf, png; max fil size 500KB.

4) Add More Fields

You can continue to add more fields to the section by selecting this button , and you will see your fields on the Form Fields page. 

Here you have some options to help edit fields:

1. Re-arrange the order of the Fields – drag the row up or down by select+hold this button . This allows you to rearrange the fields as they appear on the main Customer Management Page and the printed form.

2. Clone a Field – select this button to create a duplicate of the field.

3. Edit the Field – select this button to edit the field, eg change it to mandatory.

4. Delete the Field – select this button to delete the field permanently.

Preview Your Form!

Use the Form Preview button to preview your form after every field edit.

5) Make your form/section/fields Live!

When you are happy with the way your form looks its time to make it live. To do this you go back to the Form Section page and make the relevant section(s) Active.